Monday, March 15, 2021

Lord Rama and Nature - Did they Coexist

This piece of Mythology has a story:

I heard our Prime minister ji

quote from Ramayana

in the news channel 

When Lord Rama was in Exile 

and one day when Sita was thirsty

he shot an arrow into the earth

and water sprouted

to quench her thirst

he went ahead and asked her to sip.

How high must have been the water table?

This incident set the thoughts 

in my mind rolling

as my sis commented,

“Then the Earth was new.”

My little knowledge of science intervened

When mother earth was cooling

slowly and steadily

Plants had begun their task

of maintaining the balance

rains swept carbon away into the

earth, lakes rivers and oceans

in different beautiful forms

while the preparations were going on

for the highly intelligent species

least did mother nature know

that the same species would

ruin the balance

dirty every drop of water

ruin and add debris to every nook and corner

cut the very lifeline

creating his kingdom 

 of cement jungles

indulging in damaging warfare

destroying their own creations 

and the very foundation of their lives

thus ruining their own happiness.

Alas! they never realized their folly

in spite of the climatic destruction

and ironically continue quoting Ramayana

without imbibing the values of Ramayana 

which taught to coexist with nature.

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