Monday, March 8, 2021



Morning news :

Four Nirbhaya gang rape and murder case convicts hanged in Delhi's Tihar Jail, victim's parents say justice finally done

I had very mixed feelings that morning 

it set me thinking.....

Did Nirbhaya really get justice? 

OR Justice would have been done 

if this incidence had not taken place at all.

She would have had a chance 

to live her life to its brim....

Is it really a good news that 

four young boys had to be hanged to death 

because somewhere some adult

 went wrong in grooming them.

Is it not the time ladies to

look at ourselves and  ponder

Are we grooming our boys 

to respect the individuality of a woman?

Are we one of those who is 

feeling exalted when 

deliver a  boy 

and give him the license

to do just about anything 

stating," Boys will be Boys".

Girls should be careful

Deny the sexuality of a girl and 

Blame it on her when  a sexual act


with or without the consent of the girl

Time to think did we use such statements 

The girl is ensnaring the boy

Nowadays girls are clever

Did we ever point at a girl or 

look at her awkwardly 

making her conscious of her

 physical features in a odd way

or ask her to wear garments to cover herself 

so that the boys are not provoked

I think we can celebrate woman's day in 

the real sense when we 

stop demarking the roles as per gender

neither make a boy or a girl embarrassed

just because she or he does not fit in your norms

just because you are lucky not to 

have any problems during menstruation

blame it on the woman that she is

feigning weakness to get 

sympathy from the opposite sex.

and the list is endless

so before we celebrate international women's day next time 

can we look at the causes

why we are not able to achieve gender equality 

in reality

or Why girls get raped ?

Not because they have a problem 

but we have not taught our boys and girls

from childhood

to respect all be it any sex or age.

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