Thursday, May 18, 2023

"Embracing Radiance: Nurturing Beyond Jealousy's Grasp"

You're feeling jealous, I can tell
Of someone else's life so swell
You think they have the perfect deal
And you're just stuck in a rut of steel

But let me share a little fact
That might make you smile and relax
They're feeling jealous too, you see
Of someone else's luxury

Jealousy is a vicious loop
That never seems to stop or stoop
It makes you miserable and blue
And it drives away your crew

So how can you escape this trap
And get rid of this green-eyed chap?
Here are some tips to guide your way
And make your life more merry and gay

First, own up to your feelings
Don't pretend or lie or cheat
It's normal to feel jealous sometimes
But don't let it rule your beat

Second, appreciate what you've got
You have your own gifts and grace
You have your own passions and pursuits
And people who adore your face

Third, applaud their achievements
Don't be bitter or resentful
They worked hard to reach their aims
And you can do the same, be hopeful

Fourth, concentrate on yourself
And your own goals and dreams
Don't measure yourself by others
You have your own worth and means

Fifth, lean on your support system
Who can help you cope and thrive
They can offer you wisdom and comfort
And remind you that you're alive

Jealousy is a common feeling
That everyone experiences sometimes
But you can overcome it with these steps
And make your life more sublime

So next time you feel jealous
Remember this witty verse
And use it as a guide to deal with jealousy
And make your life better, not worse!

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